SFTR: The 5:45 A.M. Racetrack Date
Stories From The Road: A pep talk for doubting dreamers, 2 videos you've got to watch, and brief thoughts on discipline.
This post goes out to all my dreamer friends who are currently discouraged and wonder when it is all going to work out. It goes out to the dreamers represented by multiple friends who have shared recently that they were feeling:
Scared about the future, about “it” not working out
Unworthy (e.g. struggling to see their worth)
I know these feelings. In fact, I think people are surprised by how many risks I take and how I keep going when they find out that these same things crop up for me too. This post is not about “fixing” any of it. It’s just to let you know you’re normal, that your dreams are worth pursuing, and to share some inspiration from the road, found most recently in Louisville, Kentucky.