Book: "Dear Fellow Spender"

People often ask what the story is behind writing my first book (Dear Fellow Spender: Enjoy Using Your Money to Get Out of Debt, Build Savings, and Create a Life You Love), and it goes a little something like this.

My money was a mess.

I made my own money mess and didn’t love the options I had for myself. It turns out that when you’re saddled with debt and live paycheck to paycheck, you have very little energy or money left over to dream big or take chances.

In my early thirties, I saw for the first time:

  • how I could get out of debt,

  • how I could then roll that freed up money into savings, and

  • how I could create great options for my life.

I also saw that the right kind of budget could help me get what I needed and wanted—novel idea, I know. I started blogging about what supposed to be a 3.5 year journey, but ended up making that journey in only two years. That’s what happens when you see how it can happen and stop budgeting in depriving ways.

I wrote about my financial transformation and people seemed to resonate with my vulnerable story and those of people I was coaching in ways I didn’t expect. And at some point, I had the thought to formalize my journey and the steps that finally worked for me in a book to help others. I also wanted to add another voice to the mix of personal finance books, many of which talk about budgeting in a “shouldy” sort of way, or totally gloss over how to do it. My approach to money was/is unique and positive, and focuses almost entirely on the roots since that’s where all the power is.

I published Dear Fellow Spender in July 2023 and have loved seeing it have an impact on the lives of others. And I can’t for it to impact your money and your future as well.

Author holding copies of her book in 3 settings.Author holding copies of her book in 3 settings.Author holding copies of her book in 3 settings.
Books arriving a couple days before launch. Holding the first copies of YOUR book is pretty special. Launch Day morning, and Launch Day Signing Party.

You might like Dear Fellow Spender if any of the following sound like you:

  • You yo-yo with savings, debt, and discipline.

  • Budgeting is a nasty word in your experience, one synonymous with deprivation or frugality.

  • You feel guilty about your spending (this is not actually a book on spending less!)

  • You want better options for your life—to travel, to leave/change your job, to buy the home.

  • You are smart and have tried lots of approaches to money and budgeting, and have determined more money is the only answer.

  • You are smart and successful and are embarrassed about your financial habits or affairs.

What the people say:

Here are snippets of just some of the reviews the book has received from people just like you:

*“OMG - WOW. I have been struggling with budgeting for years and I have never, ever, ever, read more approachable, kind, tough loving advice for budgeting.”

“This is probably the most practical and easy to apply book on personal finance that I’ve read (and I’ve sure read my fare share). Most importantly, she speaks to the reader in a welcoming, encouraging, and nonjudgmental tone.”

“Easy read from a truly authentic point of view. You can tell that the author really wants to help other people live their best lives financially.”

“Not only is this book not pretentious or complicated, it's incredibly empowering. I'm a self-proclaimed budget-hater who refuses to feel deprived. The author has convinced me it's possible to live comfortably and without guilt, well within my means.”

“This book exceeded my expectations when it comes to not only keeping me reading, but actually entertaining me and inspiring me to get started. Truly the first time any advice about "budgeting" resonated with me.”

You can learn more about the book or get your own copy on Amazon.

As a bonus and to give you an idea of what I hope the book can do for you, here’s how the book ends:

You’ve got a wonderful present and future on the line. Don’t let your money spend it. Be the boss of your money so you can make the most of your beautiful life.

Because when you see your money clearly, you can make choices.

Your future starts mattering more to you.

You trust yourself.

With your money organized you can do bigger things with money, like investing. And with more money, you can live generously and enjoy all the good things life has to offer.

With your money on-purpose, you get to choose to live intentionally. And I can’t wait to see what you choose to do.

Buy the book on Amazon

P.S. If you’re not already subscribed to this More to Your Life newsletter, you’re going to want to be. Because there is more to your life—so much more—than stressing about money or being stuck in debt; this newsletter aims to help you be even more able (including financially able) to pursue your dreams and get off the sidelines.