Maybe This Word Will Help You, Too
You never know when an AI-created video is going to really help you out. Also, the first Dreamer AMA is on Tuesday, featuring Notion and so much more.
There is a single word which is changing my 2024—not exaggerating. I heard it on a random, possibly AI-produced self-development (if that’s not a contradiction I don’t know what is) YouTube video some weeks ago. Something about it just really, really stuck.
This word has saved me countless times from getting bugged, derailed, huffy, or discouraged. I can slide easily that direction, and having this single word is like a reset button that yanks me from going down that slippery slope of unhelpfulness.
The word is “imperturbable.” It means to not be easily ruffled, to let things roll off, to not get easily upset. And in case an example from, ah, literature helps, picture Dumbledore’s character in Harry Potter.
Why this word has had such an impact, I can’t quite say. It’s not a warm and fuzzy word like “abundance” or “grateful” and I honestly have a hard time remembering it and saying it, even in my head. Perhaps that’s part of why it seems to be lodged there, but another reason might be that it’s a dose of agency, reminding me that I can choose to take the mental path of least resistance downward, or almost pop the balloon of irritation or discouragement and just keep moving forward with having a good or great day.
Am I perfect at it? Yes. 100%. Correction: nope. It is just helping me fret less, be less irritable, get sidelined by negative thoughts and reactions less, and this makes more room for the good stuff. It’s honestly wild how well it’s working for me, and I’d love to know if it does anything for you too.
Ask Me Anything
Just another reminder about the first “Ask Me Anything” Dreamer Powwow for paid subscribers next week. If you’re not a paid subscriber, you can change that and join the party for just about the price of the grande passionfruit lemonade at Starbucks.
It will be held Tuesday, June 18, at 12:00 MT/2:00 ET. (There will be no replay since the magic happens live.)
Topics include anything you currently want help on or want to ask me about: tech tools, organization stuff, budgeting/debt stuff, travel, etc.
One thing I know one dreamer who’s coming wants to talk about is the tool, Notion. I’m excited to show you how I’m using it, and how it might really help you (but only with guardrails). The powwow is not limited to Notion—anything that will help you be (more) able to pursue your dreams or get more involved in life is fair game.
Can’t wait to talk with you Tuesday! The link to grab your spot is below (and again, if you’re not already a paid subscriber, you can fix that and join in the fun).